Tania Norris, Salvia rosmarinus, Rosemary, quick watercolor study, © 2021
Submission Agreements, Permissions and Terms
By submitting to this exhibition, I agree to all of the following:
I acknowledge I have read the "Call for Entries" for this exhibition and agree to its provisions.
The works submitted are my sole creation. All media is applied by hand, by me, the artist.
I understand that artwork I submit for display at this exhibition will be hung or displayed with all due care being exercised by BAGSC and the gallery/exhibitor or other associated parties. I understand that they take no responsibility for any loss or damage to the artwork or sales inventories I submit and are not covered by their standard insurance policies.
The insured value I have provided for each artwork will be used by the venue to determine their coverage for the exhibition. Every precaution will be taken by BAGSC and the gallery/venue exhibitor and other associated parties. BAGSC and/or the venue take no responsibility for any loss or damage. Listing the insured value does not guarantee compensation by the insurance company at the amount listed.
I acknowledge responsibility for insuring my artworks until they are delivered to the venue destination.
Image/artwork use
Images submitted for this exhibition may be used in a catalog or publicity for the exhibition or for educational or interpretive purposes, and may be used on the website for promoting the exhibition before, during, and after its run and for other non-commercial uses without further permission being sought.
BAGSC Website: Includes permission to use on website home page, accompanying articles, within online galleries, or elsewhere, not directly associated with the exhibition for which the artwork is being submitted. Publication on the website is at the discretion of the Webmaster.
BAGSC Blog: Includes permission to use in the blog, forum or elsewhere, not directly associated with the exhibition for which the artwork is being submitted. Publication in the blog is at the discretion of the Blog Editors.
BAGSC Marketing: Includes permission to use in BAGSC catalogs, collateral materials, signage, brochures, flyers, or other materials to promote the organization.
BAGSC privacy policy
I acknowledge I have read and agree with the BAGSC Privacy Policy, which can be found at: https://www.bagsc.org/privacy
BAGSC Calls for Entries
BAGSC Calls for Entries can be found on the BAGSC Exhibitions page. Additional information may be linked from that page to additional page(s) with more detailed information. All information concerning submissions for exhibitions that pertain to these Submission Agreements, Permissions and Terms will appear on the "Exhibitions" page and corresponding "Call for Entries" page.
Information about exhibitions also may be posted on the BAGSC Blog, in social media, by the venue, and sent out in email blasts to BAGSC members for promotional purposes. Marketing and promotional information does not pertain to the submission agreement.
Contact BAGSC Exhibitions at: exhibitions@bagsc.org
We look forward to seeing your artwork, and best of luck!