by Melanie Campbell-Carter, posted by Deb Shaw
It’s time to renew your membership in ASBA and BAGSC!
Member Renewals
An email reminder will be distributed at the first of the year, but the sooner the better for renewing your membership! All renewals are handled through the ASBA website, and the Membership Chair is notified of renewals only after they are processed by the ASBA. Therefore, it is conceivable that some delay may occur between a member’s online transaction and BAGSC’s awareness of that renewal. Please notify the ASBA or Melanie (BAGSC Membership Chair) if you feel your renewal may have gotten “lost” in cyberspace.
How to Renew:
The ASBA website renewal has been revised, and it’s much clearer and easier!
Go to the ASBA Home Page
Click on Membership, then
Join/Renew Now (or simply click “Join/Renew Now on this line and get taken directly there)
(Make membership selections)
Most of us will go through the following drill:
Myself >
Renewing >
United States >
Join a chapter >
Checkout – $100 for one US membership plus BAGSC; international membership is $125 (US) for one US membership plus BAGSC
Once you go through the process, you will be given the opportunity to join multiple chapters if you would like, and make donations to ASBA and to the chapters you join.
In case of confusion or problems:
If you joined ASBA but forgot to join BAGSC, it is easy to fix. From the Home Page, go through Membership to Join/Renew Now. Toward the bottom, there is a link for those who have already paid their 2016 ASBA dues but failed to join a chapter. Click there and proceed.
If you have difficulty with the website, please email Melanie or contact ASBA directly. Help is available!
BAGSC had seventeen renewals for 2016 in November. These “early birds” are setting a great example for us all. Please get your renewal done as soon as you can. We have a great calendar for 2016 with lots of great member events and opportunities!