Tempus fugit! How time flies since my last This and That! It seems like last week since I wrote my previous column.
I am extremely pleased to welcome new BAGSC Board members, Diane Daly, who will chair the Events Committee, Cristina Baltayian, who will be the chair of the Hospitality Committee, and Donnett Vanek, who will fill the important position as chair of the Communications Committee.
The BAGSC Board is composed of extremely dedicated members who spend many hours in planning and producing the various programs to make BAGSC the exciting and vibrant group that we know and support.
I think a little explanation of what each Committee covers and who the Board members are will help other members realize how each part fits into the ‘jigsaw’ puzzle of putting a group together. Each part is vital to the organization, to its running smoothly, and to giving the members what they hope to receive by belonging to a group such as BAGSC.
The Committees are:
Historian/25th Anniversary
Quarterly Meetings
Media, headed by Deborah Shaw, covers the all-important and constantly updated website, our Zoom meetings and webinars and so much more behind the scenes activities in keeping the website up and running. Dovetailing into Media and in liaison with the other Committees is Communications, chaired by Donnett Vanek. Donnett is charged with updating the Blog and the Master Calendar. This job cannot be done without the cooperation of YOU, the members. Donnett needs content for the Blog, so short articles about some project you are working on, something you have heard about, some class you have taken that was different, a new paint you like… information that you think other members should or would like to know.
Education Committee, headed by Teri Kuwahara, is responsible for the wonderful monthly educational series and also the incredible Day of Art. Our third Day of Art will be held in February, 2022 and promises to be as exciting as the last two.
Events, chaired by Diane Daly, can cover a multitude of different subjects, and Diane already has thoughts about field trips and other events that tie in with our exhibitions.
Olga Ryabtsova, as chair for the Exhibitions Committee, has us working hard to fulfill our Exhibition obligations with our partnering venues around Southern California. This includes our ‘Gold Wall’ at The Huntington Library, Art Museum, and Botanical Gardens, where we have permanent exhibition space in the Brody Botanical Center, as well as the Library at the Los Angeles County Arboretum and Botanic Gardens and other planned outreach exhibitions. Members don’t have an obligation to participate in exhibitions and some members choose not to participate, but it is one way of tracking your progress as an artist when you see your work hanging along with others. Beginners—don’t be shy. We were all beginners once, so please submit your work and be proud of what you have accomplished.
Our Quarterly Meetings are chaired by Clara Josephs and after a short business meeting there is always a program of some kind. It can be a demonstration of a new technique, a prominent speaker or just a ‘for fun’ program.
Historian and chair of the Twenty-fifth Anniversary of BAGSC is Gilly Shaeffer. Gilly was one of the founding members of BAGSC and our second president. Gilly is busy preparing our 25th anniversary celebration which takes place in September, 2022.
Three very important Board Members who are voted in and form part of the Executive Board, are the Secretary, Treasurer, and Membership. Our Secretary, Bonnie Born Ash, takes the minutes at the Board meetings and BAGSC Quarterly Meetings and is greatly admired for her excellent notes taken the old-fashioned way—in shorthand. Treasurer Beth Stone is the keeper of BAGSC funds and the very important person who keeps all the legal formalities straight. The third person and vital part of BAGSC is our Membership chair, Melanie Campbell-Carter, who keeps us up to date with an excellent membership roster, sent to all members on a quarterly basis. The most current membership roster also can always be found on the website on the ‘members’ only’ page.
Important additions to our Board members above are Vice President and Parliamentarian, Patricia Mark and Members at Large, Leslie Walker and Kathlyn Powell. Our Ex-Officio Member and immediate Past President is Janice Hoiberg.
BAGSC is so fortunate to have a group of talented and dedicated people on the Board and I am extremely grateful to have their support and help in the running of BAGSC.
We are about to run a HELP WANTED ad campaign for people to join various Committees. If you would like to become part of the team, we would love to hear from you! Let us know your preferences in what you would like to do, experience (although experience is not necessary) and how much time you have to contribute. BAGSC is your organization. A few minutes of your time, on an ongoing or occasional basis to help with the running of the group would be appreciated, and the camaraderie, which is such a part of BAGSC, would be in full bloom.
Stay well, keep painting, and enjoy the programs that we present for your enjoyment,
Tania Norris