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Plant List from Garden Tour at the BAGSC Quarterly Meeting, June 4, 2016

Writer's picture: Deborah ShawDeborah Shaw

by Deb Shaw

BAGSC members were treated to an inspirational garden tour of Cordelia’s sustainable, drought-tolerant, and enchanting garden and home before the BAGSC Quarterly Meeting on June 4, 2016. Stay tuned to the blog for an article by Cordelia about the garden, its inspiration, planning, and building and more photos.

In the meantime, as promised, Cordelia has provided us with her plant list. All of the plants listed below are available from Australian Plants Nursery in Ojai, California.

Looking from the house toward the street. Photo by Clara Josephs, © 2016.

Looking from the house toward the street. Photo by Clara Josephs, © 2016.

Acacia cardiophylla Acacia craspedocarpa Acacia cultriformis Acacia drummondii Acacia hubbardiana Acacia podalyriifolia pearl Acacia spectabilis Acacia stenophylla Acacia terminalis

Agonis flexuosa burgundy

Alyogyne hakeifolia

Anigozanthos amber velvet Anigozanthos flavidus bush nugget Anigozanthos yellow gem

Looking from the front room out to the garden. The windows are laminated to dampen noise from the street. Photo by Clara Josephs, © 2016.

Looking from the front room out to the garden. The windows are laminated to dampen noise from the street. Photo by Clara Josephs, © 2016.

Aulax cancellata

Austromyrtus dulcsis

Banksia blechnifolia Banksia dryandroides Banksia grandis Banksia hookeriana dwarf Banksia media dwarf Banksia menziesii dwarf Bankisa oblongifolia Banksia petiolaris Banksia praemorsa Banksia repens Banksia robur Banksia serrata Banksia speciosa Banksia sphaerocarpa Banksia spinulosa

Gathered around the center island in the kitchen, looking at "before and after" photos, Cordelia's artwork, and listening to information about construction details. Photo by Clara Josephs, © 2016.

Gathered around the center island in the kitchen, looking at “before and after” photos, Cordelia’s artwork, and listening to information about construction details. Photo by Clara Josephs, © 2016.

Banksia spinulosa dwarf Banksia telmatiaeae Banksia verticillata Banksia violaceae

Berzelia lanuginosa

Brachysema praemorsa bronze butterfly

Callistemon pinifolius Callistemon red alert Callistemon viminalis captain cook Callistemon viminalis slim

Calothamnus villosus

Chamelaucium ciliatum

Cordyline stricta

The side yard leads to a soaking tub. Photo by Clara Josephs, © 2016.

The side yard leads to a soaking tub. Photo by Clara Josephs, © 2016.

Dianella becca Dianella king alfred Dianella sterling variegata Dianella tasmanica variegata

Erica verticillata South Africa

Eucalyptus kruseana Eucalyptus moonglow Eucalyptus orbifolia Eucalyptus preissiana Eucalyptus victrix

Eutaxia obovata

Goodenia species, unknown purple flower (spreading ground cover)

BAGSC members Steve Hampson, Rita Hopper and Leslie Walker discuss an interesting specimen in the back yard. Photo by Clara Josephs, © 2016.

BAGSC members Steve Hampson, Rita Hopper and Leslie Walker discuss an interesting specimen in the back yard. Photo by Clara Josephs, © 2016.

Gossypium sturtianum

Grevillea banksii Grevillea bonfire Grevillea bronze rambler Grevillea austraflora fanfare Grevillea filoba Grevillea long john Grevillea magic lantern Grevillea majestic Grevillea moonlight Grevillea olivaceae Grevillea peaches and cream Grevillea petrophiloides Grevillea pteridifolia Grevillea red hooks Grevillea robyn gordon Grevillea sericea Grevillea thelemanniana Grevillea thelemanniana compact green gem Grevillea wakiti sunrise Grevillea winpara gem

Hakea adnata Hakea elliptica Hakea obtusa

Indigofera australis

Isopogon antheifolius curra moors Isopogon formosus

Kennedia prorepens

Kunzea pulchella

Leptospermum burgundy Leptospermum laevigatum reevesii Leptospermum petersonii Leptospermum polygalifolium

Leucadendron crown jubilee Leucadendron cordifolium pickford Leucadendron discolor pompom Leucadendron goldstrike Leucadendron jester Leucadendron linifolia Leucadendron little bit Leucadendron maui sunset Leucadendron meridian more silver Leucadendron Mrs. Stanley Leucadendron petrophill Leucadendron red eye Leucadendron safari sunset Leucadendron salignum blush Leucadendron salignum chief Leucadendron salignum winter red Leucadendron salignum summer red Leucadendron salignum yellow form Leucadendron scolymocephala New Zealand Leucadendron stunning Leucadendron tinctum Leucadendron thymifolium Leucadendron uliginiosum Leucadendron wilson’s wonder

Leucospermum rotundifolium Leucospermum yellow bird Leucospermum yellow rocket Leucospermum veldfire

Libertia peregrinans New Zealand

Lomandra longifolia

Melaleuca brian walters Melaleuca coccinea Melaleuca decussata gibbosa Melaleuca densa Melaleuca diosmifolia Melaleuca elliptica Melaleuca huegelii Melaleuca incana nana (prostrate) Melaleuca micromera Melaleuca violaceae

Mimetes cucullatus South Africa

Myoporum floribundum

Nephrolepsis obliterata

Orphium frutescens

Pellaea falcata cliff brake fern

Phormium jester

Phyllica plumosa

Podocarpus macrophylla South Africa

Protea burchellii Protea cynaroides South Africa Protea cynaroides mini king Protea eximia Protea nerifolia Protea obtusifolia Protea pink ice Protea sylvia



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