by Clara Josephs, posted by Deb Shaw
BAGSC’s Fall general quarterly meeting will be held on Sunday, September 11 at the home of BAGSC’s president. BAGSC members also will receive this meeting notification in an email blast with directions.
Coffee will be served at 9:30 a.m. and the business meeting will begin promptly at 10. A highlight of the meeting will be the official unveiling of our new BAGSC website. Come to the meeting, get a tour of the new site, and learn how your images can be part of our members’ gallery. We also have several new workshops to announce.
Bring a lunch item to share. Following our potluck lunch, Kathy Morgan will demonstrate the use of carbon dust to create stunning botanical portraits. After studying with Olga Eysymontt, Kathy has mastered this unique method of painting known for rich, dark values and flawless transitions. You will have an opportunity to try working with the materials and get feedback from Kathy.
As always, carpooling is recommended. In addition to your lunch contribution, bring any painting you are working to show or to receive help from our members. Questions? Contact Pat Mark or Clara Josephs.
Looking forward to seeing you on September 11, at 9:30 a.m!