![Mummy Brown* and Other Historical Colors, Arranged by Date (More or Less) from Prehistory to Almost-Present, Veritable Hokum, by Korwin Briggs, http://www.veritablehokum.com/ [Click image for larger view.] Used with permission as stated in terms under "About", © 2015.](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/0afcfb_726f088f15de440daadcf3871f10d605~mv2.jpg/v1/fill/w_980,h_3297,al_c,q_90,enc_avif,quality_auto/0afcfb_726f088f15de440daadcf3871f10d605~mv2.jpg)
Mummy Brown* and Other Historical Colors, Arranged by Date (More or Less) from Prehistory to Almost-Present, Veritable Hokum, by Korwin Briggs, http://www.veritablehokum.com/ [Click image for larger view.] Used with permission as stated in terms under “About”, in the Veritable Hokum blog. © 2015.
by Deb Shaw
Korwin Briggs is an illustrator who publishes the online comic blog Veritable Hokum (click the name to go to the blog). As he writes in his “About” section, “Veritable Hokum is a comic about mostly history, maybe science, and possibly some other stuff too.”
This week’s delightful post is a comic illustration and description about the history of pigments, entitled “Mummy Brown* and Other Historical Colors, Arranged by Date (More or Less) from Prehistory to Almost-Present.” Click on the link above to read the entire article as well as enjoy the graphic description of some of our favorite pigments. The history doesn’t go all the way to the modern Quinacridones, but contains fun facts and history in a quick read format with a great sense of humor.